Feng Shui for the Earth Pig Year -2019

It’s time to bid farewell to the Year of the Wu Xu Dog (戊戌) and welcome in the Year of the Yi Hai Pig (己亥)

Therefore it’s necessary to make those Feng Shui changes around your home or business to ensure that you and your loved ones continue to be surrounded with beneficial ch’i and good fortune.

As we all know, invisible energies exist in our environment and they can be positive and enhance our well-being and prosperity, or they can be negative and cause bad health and misfortune.

These energies are dynamic and change over time in a cyclical manner. So to ensure that things remain harmonious, it is necessary to locate and attend to the annual energies at the beginning of every year.

This year the Lunar New Year falls on the 5th February, but the shift of annual Feng Shui energies is always based on the Chinese Solar calendar and thus the Year of the Earth Pig commences on the 4th of February 2019.

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